Three people – different priorities
Individual personalities who are gaining valuable practical experience at KAMAX. Click the photo and learn more about their priorities and the offerings that KAMAX has in store for them.
Lukas V., Student
His Priorities
What we offer
For my thesis, I would like to work together with others on current innovations.
The subject of my thesis should be an excellent fit for me and my specialization.
For me, the possibility of being hired by the company afterward is important.
David K., Student
His Priorities
What we offer
While I am studying, I would like to earn money on a regular basis.
The work must not conflict with my lectures and seminars.
In terms of content, the activity should fit with my university studies and there should be opportunities for me to advance technically.
Sai Teja R. K., Intern
His priorities
What we offer
During my internship, I want to really be involved in the work, not just make copies or coffee.
My task should be demanding and it should be with a leading company.
I would also be happy to do an interesting internship away from my place of residence. In this case, I would need a place to live during the internship.