
Level 4/6 - The 4th and 5th layers represent the "Enablers". These are measures that enable us to fulfil the strategy.

Signpost - KAMAX´organizational structure is being adjusted according to new circumstances (e.g. opportunities such as digitalization). Thereby KAMAX is becoming faster and more efficient.

Man with Notebook - All sites are connected via data streams. The digitization of administration enables better collaboration, where sites can learn from each other more easily.

Man with moneybag - KAMAX is constantly on the lookout for new, advantageous partnerships with other companies. The most recent example is the acquisition of a majority stake in the Robert Schröder Group, which opens up new opportunities for KAMAX e.B. in the field of machining technology.

Employee Collaboration - KAMAX' working culture is changing towards more collaboration and transparency between KAMAX' locations. The plant gates are open, the gears mesh and the fences are gone.

Heavy Duty Vehicles - As the growth of the KAMAX core business is flattening out as expected, KAMAX is exploring new markets, products and technologies.

Gears - Introduction of a management system that is oriented to the work processes. This makes it possible to connect the workflows and to better coordinate them. The gears at KAMAX are now meshing.


Do you have any questions or do you need help? Or would you like to give us suggestions on this topic?

Please write us an email to Strategy@no-spamKamax.com.